Tuesday, May 14, 2019

The Great Appearance

In an article from a writer of the Texas Tribune, Patrick Svitek, he expands on the appearance of Governor Abbot, who was once noted as detached, is now engaging. With the legislative session coming to a near end, bills are waiting to be either kept alive and passed or to be put to their own death, Abbot's power is continue to grow.

Like with any other political leader, many do not always agree with the beliefs and ideas a chosen leader promotes. The writer shows the pros and con's of having Gov. Abbot engaging in such tasks. Whether you like him or not, he is the Texas Governor and many representatives are acknowledged with their thoughts about this.

It is directed towards anyone interested in whats going on in the interacted political world and those who either love or hate Texas politics or considered a Democratic or Republican, this shows the view of both wings. With the commentary from other representatives, it offers a real version of what actually goes on and how leaders that are on the same playing field as Abbot view him.

Svitek touches on all the issues from education raises to tax payers and other bills waiting stir the pot up. I do like the way he progresses with the article from the engagement of Abbot and his past engagements from the previous years. 

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The Great Appearance

In an article from a writer of the Texas Tribune, Patrick Svitek, he expands on the appearance of Governor Abbot, who was once noted as det...