Tuesday, May 14, 2019

The Great Appearance

In an article from a writer of the Texas Tribune, Patrick Svitek, he expands on the appearance of Governor Abbot, who was once noted as detached, is now engaging. With the legislative session coming to a near end, bills are waiting to be either kept alive and passed or to be put to their own death, Abbot's power is continue to grow.

Like with any other political leader, many do not always agree with the beliefs and ideas a chosen leader promotes. The writer shows the pros and con's of having Gov. Abbot engaging in such tasks. Whether you like him or not, he is the Texas Governor and many representatives are acknowledged with their thoughts about this.

It is directed towards anyone interested in whats going on in the interacted political world and those who either love or hate Texas politics or considered a Democratic or Republican, this shows the view of both wings. With the commentary from other representatives, it offers a real version of what actually goes on and how leaders that are on the same playing field as Abbot view him.

Svitek touches on all the issues from education raises to tax payers and other bills waiting stir the pot up. I do like the way he progresses with the article from the engagement of Abbot and his past engagements from the previous years. 

Saturday, May 4, 2019


We are now approaching the halfway mark of the year 2019, and we continue with the similar problems as before. Day by day, people are getting deported to their home country or held against their will in our country. Texas being one of the few border states, our name tends to come up alot when border news in mentioned. It does suck.

For many years, children are being torn apart from their families. Parents are getting deported only leaving their kids in the hands of border patrol. Border patrol’s name is constantly being thrown into the dirt when a lot of them are only trying to do their jobs.

Ever since Trump was sworn into presidency, he has enforced sending illegal immigrants back pretty harshly and frequently. He continues to do immigration sweeps throughout the country, especially the border states such as California, New Mexico and Texas. You would think it would be strictly the ones who are doing wrong or affecting how America is being ran but no, it is any and everyone. This minority group is living their life in constant fear, even if they are not the ones who are illegal. Their family members could be undocumented or even their friends.

I know a few people being affected with these constant sweeps from ICE. It is unfair and many deserve justice they do not get. Some close friends of mine have had their parents deported and fined for bringing them here to expand on a better life for them.

Many people are dying unnoticed at the fault of Americans who see them as horrible people. It is a huge issue and we must help stop the discrimination.

Friday, April 19, 2019

DACA Commentary

The New Word wrote a commentary about a program created by Ex-President Obama under the name DACA. I did enjoying reading this as it is a important issue that is going on in the nation since President Trump became the current officeholder.

They talk about the wonders DACA has done for people and why it is so important to people. As how it's been eliminated to prevent undocumented immigrants to live a better life, it's not fair to human beings. Being born into this world should grant you the right to live a better life no matter the status of your citizenship.

As I do have 2 close friends currently under DACA, they do live in fear that anything could change their status. While they do not have the official status of an American, they are able work and provide for themselves and family under this program. They do live in fear knowing if any wrong move can jeopardize their well being. One of them had their mother deported about 2 years ago during the raids from ICE. DACA allows for people to create a better life for themselves and their kids, allowing them to work for the better and continue an education even though they don't hold an American citizenship.

Friday, April 5, 2019

Red v. Blue

While the great state of Texas is unique, it's not new news. We have always been considered independent and unique. As the years go on, specifically every 10 years, our nation calculates our current population as accurate as can be with the Census.

New elections and redistricting happens during this time as well. Whether you're conservative or liberal, democratic or republican, these changes may be in your favor.

We are approaching 2020, we may be assigned to a new district with the constant growth of the population in this state. While redistricting may seem simple, what's the fun in that? Gerrymandering is the outcome of having these changes in your favor. Being able to manipulate areas to keep your party at an advantage is a pro of being elected. Though it is not everyones intention, it still happens and will continue is as long as you have the right amount of people and minorities per district.

As we are considered a red and proud state, a good percentage of us identify with blue. With the House of Representatives, there are about 67 Democrat's and 83 Republicans. This gives us a total of 150 seats which translates into 150 districts, one per representative. Republicans have the majority. For the Senate, we sit at 12 Democrat's and 19 Republicans, 31 Senate districts. Again, Republicans have the upper hand.

You would think with so many people on board, the shapes would be pleasing to the eye.

That is definitely not the case, as long as the numbers match up and the groups are managed, everything is considered okay. This is an issue, but it is simply too much work for us to attempt to make the perfect map and we'll continue to live in this tetris state.

Thursday, February 28, 2019

Save the Planet

In the Houston Chronicle editorial, “Save the Planet, Gov. Abbott. What’s The Worst That Can Happen,” the Editorial Board explains about climate change that is happening around the world and what can be improved. Throughout the country, our politicians have deemed the issue as radioactive.

This article is very much intended for people who are eco-friendly and who are “save the planet” enthusiasts. Oh and the ones who already despise our govenor, Gregg Abbott. If you didn’t or had no clue about what is going on in our world, this will steer a new direction, in my opinion. 

The editorial board grants credibility by including proof about Texas universities such as A&M, Rice and UT writing letters to the governor about ideas and information about how to help even though he never responded. Also providing facts about the temperature rising and how the death rates are slowly rising due to this.

They also prove how republicans in Washington state, Republicans are contacting Democratics to work together and create solutions about bipartism climate change. Even politicians such as John McCain and John Baker have called for aggression to fix these issues. By claiming how climate change is real, future generations will read about how a Texas Governor has the chance to team up with students to help make a change and how he would rather not respond.

In my opinion, this is a good article to raise awareness about what is going on in the nation but also our state. Though Abbott may not be in my favor, this doesn’t help put him in a good spot also.

Thursday, February 14, 2019

The Future for LGBTQ

As 2019 is continuing, changes is constantly happening. In an Austin Chronicle article titled, "State of LGBTQ Chambers Form First-Of-Its-Kind Alliance," gives a brief detail about how they, Texas LGBTQ Chambers of Commerce, are going to represent many LGBTQ friendly alliances statewide. As it is early on in the year, plans are being made and set in stone such as Advocacy Day on February 20th at the capitol. This could help make Texas a more friendly state and cut down on discrimination. They are considered an economic organization, so they will think economically as well.

This is well worthy read to know about what new ideas and organization will make an appearance in our state. Since it is covering some of our biggest cities, others can be as acceptable as you can say Austin is considered. This is a great move for us as a State.

Wednesday, January 30, 2019

The Great Appearance

In an article from a writer of the Texas Tribune, Patrick Svitek, he expands on the appearance of Governor Abbot, who was once noted as det...